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Push Block Issues



Hello there,


I've got an issue with a push block in a map I imported with SharpOcarina.


The problem is that Link is not able to push the block any further than this:




Posted Image



As you can see there's some space left on the left side; Link is not able to push it completely to the left.

First, I thought there was something like a maximal push width for blocks. But I tested it on a wide area and it worked there.


Help is very welcome!

Thank you for reading!

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5 answers to this question

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SanguinettiMods-> I see! I hope we'll both be able to solve our problem!


Okami Amaterasu-> Yes, it is correctly aligned with the trench. Link can push it through the whole trench, excepted the small space I showed.


Thank you very much, SanguinettiMods and Okami Amaterasu!

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Okay. First of all, to trigger a switch, the block actually has to fall a small vertical distance onto the switch. Second, the blocks move on a grid that is half the size of the block face. So a small block, which is 60 units will move 30 units with each push. 100 moves 50 and 120 moves 60. There are more notes in my notes thread.



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I read your notes thread, but this:


So a small block, which is 60 units will move 30 units with each push. 100 moves 50 and 120 moves 60.

is new!


Thank you very much, Arcaith, you've helped us very much!







I just tested that the small block (60 units) moves 20 units each push! But nevermind, I figured out what the problem was: The push block was 1 unit away from his starting place, so the space on the left was missing 1 unit for the block to be pushed on!

But thank you very much, Arcaith!


So, SanguinettiMods, either your block trench length is not a multiple of 20 (if you're using a small block), or it is displaced by 1 or 2 units...

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