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This is laughable...


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I am glad you enjoyed it. :D


And even though they got the point, I have a local copy of the source of that Wikia page, and its going to replace every single change they ever make.

Also, I updated the screenshots to be current.


Lmao! I don't know anything more hilarious anyone could do to them, but you have proven that to be wrong. If I have a site that needs to be trolled Il contact you.

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Ganondork, you took it a little too far there man...they're kids man. The other wiki edits were great, but this is just...erm...disturbing man.


*blinks innocently*

Oh, really? If you think that's too far, you should check out what I did to the pages Doopliss, Abcdude, ect. on the 3dsforms Wikia(granted they were not fixed, or deleted; I just woke up). You're gonna be in for a surprise.


Though I fail to see how that screenshot is any worse than the "Poketendo Expo 2011" part or "Now the Real Fun" part in the first set of screenshots. D:


This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?

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I love watching people get put in their place as much as the next guy, but I kinda have to go with CDi-Fails and Zeth on this one. I think these kids are just a bit too young and innocent to really deserve a full payload from the Internet Hate Machine. Just my two cents'.

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...What? Are you kidding me? Did this kid really just blatantly ignore everything that's happened to his project, start a new one, once again plagiarize a title and logo, and try to essentially combine Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart?


I don't know whether to laugh my balls off or cringe in despair at how stupid the average youth has become. I really don't.

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^ More hypocrites!


Ahahahahaahahahaaaaaa-... haahaaaa-... Just... just so... I don't even know what to call this... "What are you using to make it?" - "HACKS". The only way this could've been even more hilarious, would be writing "HACKS" with a "Z"! Holy crap, is that symbol guy ever going to learn...? I'm not even going to say much about anything technical about this - like how MK7 isn't even out yet and, who knows, might use completely unknown file formats which they most certainly have no bloody idea about how to crack -, just... man, really?


I don't want to come across as too much of an ass here, but especially Mr. Symbol Guy really needs to be hit with reality. Someone go there and ask about the technical shit, I wanna see how he tries to wind himself out of that.


(...and damn, I really need some sleep.)

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