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Display List Texture Blocks.



Does anyone have any helpful information on how to calculate the exact texture block of each of the 15 different types of F3DZEX Textures?


I tried ZLE2, but that doesn't work with EVERY texture.


If anyone has any info on how to calculate the -EXACT- Tetxure Data block, instead of guessing for


00: 4-bit RGBA

08: 8-bit RGBA

10: 16-bit RGBA

20: 4-bit YUV (rare)

28: 8-bit YUV (rare)

30: 16-bit YUV (rare)

40: 4-bit CI

48: 8-bit CI

50: 16-bit CI

60: 4-bit IA

68: 8-bit IA

70: 16-bit IA

80: 4-bit I

88: 8-bit I

90: 16-bit I


I'd gladly appreciate it.

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gDPSetTileSize should have what you're looking for.


In display lists, it is used like this:


gDPSetTileSize(pkt, 0, 0, 0, ((width)-1) << 2, ((height)-1) << 2);


It is defined as so:


#define G_SETTILESIZE 0xf2

#define gDPSetTileSize(pkt, t, uls, ult, lrs, lrt)

gDPLoadTileGeneric(pkt, G_SETTILESIZE, t, uls, ult, lrs, lrt)


#define gsDPLoadTileGeneric(c, tile, uls, ult, lrs, lrt) \

{ \

_SHIFTL(c, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(uls, 12, 12) | _SHIFTL(ult, 0, 12), \

_SHIFTL(tile, 24, 3) | _SHIFTL(lrs, 12, 12) | _SHIFTL(lrt, 0, 12)\



Meaning the width and height can be extracted like so:

width = ( _SHIFTR(w1, 12, 12) >> 2) + 1;

height = ( _SHIFTR(w1, 0, 12) >> 2) + 1;


In simpler terms:

F2000000 00wwwhhh


width = (w / 4) + 1

height = (h / 4) + 1


The size (in bytes) of the texture can be determined by the bits per pixel multiplied by the number of pixels divided by eight:

bytes of pixel data = bpp * width * height / 8

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