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New Zelda coming to 3DS

Pinkie Pie

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Series producer Eiji Aonuma has confirmed that an all-new Zelda is in development for the 3DS. Aonuma says the game will be closer to console games than to previous DS Zelda titles. According to Aonuma, Nintendo is also still considering a new version of Majora's Mask for 3DS, but would rather release an all-new Zelda before another remake.


Full story: http://ds.ign.com/articles/121/1211631p1.html

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I'm interested in seeing their take on how to migrate Zelda to the 3DS. Obviously the 3D effects and gyroscopic controls will likely play a part in some of the gameplay mechanics and puzzles (unlike in OoT3D where they served as graphical appeal and optional mechanics at best). That said, it's slightly disappointing that MM3D will be delayed by that much, but I am delighted to hear it's at least being considered.

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Great news!

I hope it will have a lot of features and replayability like Skyward Sword will have(OoT seriously lacks it, and the port did barely a thing to fix that). And I wonder what kind of graphical style it will have, as well? I notice Zelda games have a new style with every game released, unless its a sequel to a previous one(as far as three dimensional ones go). Though, I haven't played the DS Zeldas, but I heard Phantom Hourglass is a sequel to WW and Spirit Tracks to Phantom Hourglass. If wrong, forgive me; just going off of what I've heard.


But I drifted off topic. To get on topic:

I sure hope they put the green light on an MM port, because all they're doing is considering it right now, which worries me.


This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?

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'new version' could be looked at in a number of ways; I guess it is possible that they might look at using some older ideas that were dropped, but it might just be referring to it being updated. I'm not getting my hopes up too high at this stage :3


I am pretty sure they're defining "new version" as "updated graphics and a few small and insignificant features added" just like we got with OoT 3D.

Still, I have been bored with OoT looong before the port came out, so I should have saw how dull it would be coming(this is, of course, my opinion). But I have never once

gotten bored with Majora's Mask in my entire life, and even though I posses the ability to play it on an emulator, I hardly ever do. A port for the 3DS would be the best thing

since sliced bread, in my opinion, because I am also the kind of person who hates being bolted down to one spot to play games. That is also why I go for laptops rather than desktops, even though a good laptop for gaming tends to be much more expensive than a desktop for gaming. But I went off topic again:

Cannot wait to see what comes out of this news. :D

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Hmm, a new version of MM. Hopefully that means an actual remake where they re-build all the areas in the game, add new ones, new models, new masks, new sidequests, rather than the OOT port. Now that would be amazing :D


Also, as a diehard Zelda fan hearing about a new zelda game for the 3ds that is closer to the consle games, OMGYEAHBESTDAYEVERMYLIFEISCOMPLETE!!!!!!!!

Although, I hope the game is not another Toon Link game, there are way to much of those. I think using the art style from the BETA Zelda 64DD would be cool to revive. But even if they use Toon Link, I'll still play it and love it. (hopefully zelda 3ds uses the circle pad add-on)

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As said above, "New Version" can mean a number of things. I'm sure fans want to see all the stuff that was cut from the original. Wasn't there supposed to be 7 days as opposed to 3?


In the original Zelda Gaiden, yes. However this was cut. A few things were cut due to restraints... and even more stuff was changed between versions. If it is redone, I hope the music gets some good remixes.
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I would rather have someone else than Grezo doing it since they wanted to so called play it "safe" on OOT 3D. Rather than being a graphical update I would actually like new game experiences.

I heard many people say graphics don't matter, if all Grezo is going to do is make a "graphical* update with some not really needed optional controls I would rather have Grezo make an entirely new Zelda game.

If I wanted an graphical update I could just texture swap the darn game on an emulator. If I want portability I would use an emulator on a laptop. So unless I can get a remake that's worth my 40 bucks, rather than a "graphical" update, im sold.

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Let's put it this way, OOT was a much bigger game alone then MM as in stuff to do. So, I believe they are going to add a lot more content, think of it this way, not only did they add OOT, but added a reversed MQ with new content such as boss rush mode, and gauntlet. If they just added an unaltered MM except with new updated graphics and OOT 3D gameplay, there would be so much wasted space on the 3DS cartridge that could be used for new content. Furthermore, I've been going over a lot of the Zelda history, there has been with almost every Zelda release, an URA version of it, with a few games as an exception that didn't get it. Its very possible there is going to be an MM URA Version.

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It would be very frugal for Nintendo to assign Grezzo MM 3D. It will be cheaper for them than it was for Majora's Mask, as Grezzo has everything they need.


They can work on the next 3DS Zelda game themselves, and that will work much better. I'd love a sequel to MM.

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