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Is Kirby getting too linear? Need something new?


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Now as much as I love the pink puff ball running around in 2D sucking up enemies, I feel like Nintendo should try something new for once.


The last time I felt Kirby had revolutionized was in "Kirby's Air Ride". To my knowledge the first game to let Kirby run forward backwards left and right, and that felt extremely good.


You could actually get out of your vehicle and roam around, exploring the world around you. Also in the development for "Kirby's Return To Dreamland" Nintendo actually had a 3d roaming Kirby game. Nintendo gave Mario a chance and became very successful so why wont they give Kirby a chance? Im sure almost everybody would want to run around DreamLand in all directions. Meeting npcs, playing minigames, using abilities.

At least Nintendo should try it.

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I agree, younglinkx, i'm just getting tired of the same thing for so long. A game where you can run around as kirby in more ways then just left and right would be down right awesome. Maybe a fast pased 3d action/platformer kirby game on the Wii u? (Says hopefully)

Please Nintendo, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!

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