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Internet Blacklist Bill (SOPA)


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What do you guys think about it?


Personally, I think a bill like this could effectively devastate the internet. Just thinking about the bill makes my stomach turn.


It very possibly won't get up to the higher parts of congress (and I dearly hope I'm right), but there's so many downsides to it. It's also to be known that the bill will get it's funding from taxpayers.



Maybe I'm just getting worked up for no reason, I dunno, what do you guys think?

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If this passes, I seriously think America is fucking taking it too far. Piracy hardly effects a damn thing, AT ALL. If it did, things would be a lot worse then they are now for various industries. My God, fuck this country. I am getting sick of it and the morons who run it. Well, now I can say bye to a lot of the legitimate websites I visit. Fucking great.


And yeah, I act this way because it's almost certainly going to pass.


This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?

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A ton of the web giants are against it. But it wouldn't be a problem if companies (especially video game companies) didn't try to squeeze every single penny they can out of society. If it does somehow pass, emulation could very well vanish.


Also, the music companies are completely for it. I would have figured they earned enough money from the royalties they keep from the artists.


Posted with Droid 2 filled with Gingerbread goodness using Tapatalk.

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This is BS, people who pirate games or whatever, were never really going to buy the product in the first place, and the internet is the only place people have REAL freedom, and now they are trying to take this away? D*** . Say goodbye to youtube then.



Why don't they just take our rights to let people borrow our games and music, that will surely make society better! *Sarcastic*


Do they really think that if they take away peoples rights, people will buy their products? Nope pirates wouldn't buy their product again for how pist they would be, which will do more damage.

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pirates wouldn't buy their product again for how pist they would be, which will do more damage.

Boycotting is your friend. If money talks, then a lack of it smashes in the face with a crowbar. That is our power. If this passes, I will never pay for anything mainstream again. I am absolutely certain that this is not at all the minority mindset.


The people will not let this bill pass. That is a fact. Lobbyists for the corporations are the only hope this bit of fascist legislation has. I guess we're about to find out if Soviet Amerika really is an aristocracy instead of a democracy.

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Also, piracy isn't even that bad in the first place. at least, not in the gravity this bill puts it in.


There is little good that can come from this bill. Although if it does somehow pass, then unless the judical system is as f-ed up as the legislative system, then it will definitely no doubt be declared unconstitutional.


I really think it won't pass the upper levels of congress though. It can't.


Posted with Droid 2 filled with Gingerbread goodness using Tapatalk.

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I really think it won't pass the upper levels of congress though. It can't.


The people will not let this bill pass. That is a fact. Lobbyists for the corporations are the only hope this bit of fascist legislation has. I guess we're about to find out if Soviet Amerika really is an aristocracy instead of a democracy.


It can. But I hope to whatever god(s) may be that it doesn't.

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I saw this on a news article

"rogue" sites were the "dark side of the internet", and that while American authors, publishers, and producers had been asked to invest in online commerce, "in critical circumstances we have left them to compete with thieves."


Now I am not from the US but knowing Australia we will be right behind you because our prime minister has her head SOOOOOOOOOOOOO far up Barrack Obama's ass

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Everyone he meant the voters that voted for them which is apparently the larger amount of the US but then again I have clue clue how your voting system works (P.S Illegal aliens thing was sarcastic)

Now back on the subject at hand

Fucking government! This bill is bullshit! That's all I can pretty much say I have no idea how your government works so I can't really have a big intellectual statment to make

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Americans should be ashamed for electing the politicians incharge with pushing this bill in the first place.


See that? "Americans should be ashamed" That refers to ALL Americans. If he meant something else, he should take the time to actually type why he meant.


Anywho, fuck the government and such.


This was sent from Tapatalk. Jelly?

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Americans should be ashamed for electing the politicians incharge with pushing this bill in the first place.


Can we stop putting blame on Americans for this? You have to understand during the time of voting these issues were not even brought forth to begin with and that these politicians set forth other goals and ideas the American people voted for. This was a wrench thrown in the mix that no one saw coming and which isn't our fault, but the politicians and corporate companies that are trying to get this bill passed.
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Americans are no longer represented in their government. The senators and congressmen are political proxies for corporations, who use lobbyists as middle-men for ensuring laws favoring unrestricted business at the expense of basic human rights are passed. To say that Americans are guilty of this situation is a blatant expression of ignorance. The fact is, the vast majority of government officeholders are susceptible to bribes, and in most cases there is no good candidate to chose--merely a less corrupt one. How can it be a fault of the people when there is no good choice to make for your representatives?

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Americans are no longer represented in their government. The senators and congressmen are political proxies for corporations, who use lobbyists as middle-men for ensuring laws favoring unrestricted business at the expense of basic human rights are passed. To say that Americans are guilty of this situation is a blatant expression of ignorance. The fact is, the vast majority of government officeholders are susceptible to bribes, and in most cases there is no good candidate to chose--merely a less corrupt one. How can it be a fault of the people when there is no good choice to make for your representatives?



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It's not surprising at the least. Over the years, there were two bills similar in quality to this one that the gov tried to pass, but were curbstomped by the Supreme Court. I see a similar fate happening to this one since this bill is basically similar to those two bills, just with slightly different wording and a different acronym.

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