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Fidello: a weasel's tale


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a weasel's tale



So. This is something I've been developing on and off for the past few years. Due to various issues it's not really made it past planning and into development, however that has changed recently. I've overhauled large parts of the project, and am presently working on its third rebirth, this time with some actual progress to show.


The game itself is a tribute to Rareware's platform games, and I'll be using assets from many of their N64 titles, predominantly the platformers (Banjo/DK64/Conker). Having said that, the game is primarily a tribute to the Banjo games, as they have had a huge impact on my life in a great many ways and I want to both show my appreciation, and live a dream that began after I started wondering how Gruntilda was going to get out from under the rock that fell on her.


Here are a few details to tide you over.



The game will run at a constant resolution of 640x480 or 800x600.

The game is being developed in C++ using the Irrlicht library and Code::Blocks for portability.

I presently have no sound library, as I am looking for one that supports soundfonts and standard MIDI.



Fidello - The titular character, Fidello is a lazy, impatient arctic weasel who loves to make half finished inventions. He lives in Bumble Valley with...

Celli - Fidello's long suffering girlfriend of as yet indeterminate species. While in a huff after arguing with him and wander around, she is captured by...

Ogram - A very self important chimpanzee wizard. Ogram intends to brainwash Celli into being his bride. Fortunately, the incident is witnessed by...

Chyme - One of Celli's oldest friends, Chyme is a hummingbird, and a very big stickybeak. She takes it upon herself to not only teach Fidello a way to get Celli back, but make something useful for a change.


More will be revealed as time passes. I may also post a tech demo at some stage once I have physics and the camera fully programmed.

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Is there a precedent of Rare going after fan projects ala Square-Enix?


But whatever the case, this is looking really interesting; Here's hoping you'll be able to push through with this! Plus I'm also wondering if you're gonna have a blog for this - I just love reading posts about the development of games/emulators/etc.

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No, I don't believe there have been any cases of Rare going after projects that use their IP. In fact there have been a fair few games developed (mostly with The Games Factory/Multimedia Fusion), none of which have caused so much as a raised eyebrow. Things might be different now that Rare is owned by Microsoft, but I think they're too busy developing for Kinect and the general 360 OS to notice. The game will be making a lot of very thinly veiled references to existing characters, though. I was actually originally going to use a few outright (still might do so) but most of the major cast is now my own work.


I've considered a development blog, however I won't be starting it until I've at least gotten a basic physics engine and camera; so it'll probably co-incide with the release of the first demo.

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Wait, how could Rare go after Arcaith for making this game? It's only based off the style of Banjo/DK/Conker, and not actually using their engines and textures and story and stuff, right?


Anyways, that first room looks great! It's Very reminiscient of Conker. :3

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Wait, how could Rare go after Arcaith for making this game? It's only based off the style of Banjo/DK/Conker, and not actually using their engines and textures and story and stuff, right?


Anyways, that first room looks great! It's Very reminiscient of Conker. :3

To me, it B-K.

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Well now, after an extended period of inactivity, I've been polishing up on my C++ and have made a start on the systems that run behind the scenes in the game. Started setting up all the arrays that will hold save data once it's loaded into memory, as well as planning out the level setup format that will display the actual content. Might have a working demo before the middle of the year if I have enough time to work on this alongside everything else with any consistency XD

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