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Is it possible to make an adult link version of MM young link?



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It's completely possible. It just depends on a person's opinion on what an Adult MM Link would look like, as you'd have to make your own models, for the most part.


I would think all you really have to do is kinda stretch the limbs to make him taller, mess with his body parts here and there, and change his face to make him more mature. I doubt it is that easy but its a suggestion. :D

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I would think all you really have to do is kinda stretch the limbs to make him taller, mess with his body parts here and there, and change his face to make him more mature. I doubt it is that easy but its a suggestion. :P

It isn't. What you suggest has been done before in OoT and it resulted in a phenomenon known to us as "Giant Young Link."


I would just retexture FD Link, as some have elected to do before.

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I think what he means is make an adult link that looks more like the MM Link model. The young Links in OOT and MM have slightly different models.

Hair is a little shorter, strap is added across the chest in a diagonal fashion, plus link is made to look a little older, if Im not mistaken. I don't think there's a height change though.


Posted with Droid 2 filled with Gingerbread goodness using Tapatalk.

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Works on Majora's Mask U 1.0, this changes FD Link to the correct Adult Link size.


813FFE08 3C23

803FFE0A D70A

813FFE0C 3C23

803FFE0E D70A

813FFE10 3C23

803FFE12 D70A


Someone might need to make a code to adjust the camera to work correctly for the new size as its too far up, also when FD Link goes to open doors, he goes partially in the floor(even at normal size)

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