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Well of Hell mod


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i took the well and upgraded it, making it a bit harder, new puzzle, it still needs some work on the switch, maybe more locked doors, but i made it a challenge. I'm currently uploading a video about it. here's a patch for it:




try to do a speedrun. redeads and wallmasters are a force to be reckoned with in this mod, and you have a good puzzle to solve, go through the undergound path, beat DH and get the LoT.

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Judging by the fact you sped up the video to push a block in your own level says a lot about the design.


I'm sorry, but if the creator needs to speed up time to monotonously push a block, that really does say a lot about the quality of the design.


Limited capabilities are no excuse for bad design. If it's not fun for you, it's definitely not fun for us!

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Judging by the fact you sped up the video to push a block in your own level says a lot about the design.


I'm sorry, but if the creator needs to speed up time to monotonously push a block, that really does say a lot about the quality of the design.


Limited capabilities are no excuse for bad design. If it's not fun for you, it's definitely not fun for us!


I'm sorry, but no... just no.


Do I need to remind you of the dungeons in the Zelda games? Quite a few of them have you pushing blocks for quite some time. It's a gameplay mechanic of Zelda puzzles.


I am going to have to side with Nyan Pony here. Lishy, there were better ways you could have worded that. The criticism you gave was borderline ToS breach.

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i'm probably going to fix the push block.i need to move a couple more things, pul locks on the doors instead of metal bars. i also can't seem to find the variable for the blue switch. and i need to fix the black cube's respawning issue. i am aiming for a harder dungeon, and the wallmasters are technically a new thing for me. never really messed with them much. i think they may be annoying, but it adds to the challenge. i'll shorten the whole push block part so it doesn't take as long. i put the firewalls i certain areas so you need to exit through the underground tunnel, which is more or less a bitch to navigate with a huge rolling boulder chasing you, redeads freezing you, and wallmasters doing what the do best.

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i put the firewalls i certain areas so you need to exit through the underground tunnel, which is more or less a bitch to navigate with a huge rolling boulder chasing you, redeads freezing you, and wallmasters doing what the do best.


This is a very clever design, despite some monotony with the block pushing. Utilization of multiple actors is the key difference between a mediocre and a great dungeon. ReDeads are far overused as generic enemies (often out of place) just for their fake difficulty purposes of being able to freely freeze the player and deal considerable damage to those improficient with button mashing.

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