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Trying my own OoT Multiplayer


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so far, i was up until 3:00 am working on my new side project. Making OoT Multiplayer. I watched videos on it and got interested in it, and so far, when cendamos made his with splitscreen, it never got finished. i want to finish it, but i'm in the wicked early stages of the project, since i'm doing it somewhat differently.


I'm using Sutaru as the test map, and right now i'm coding everything within the map's file. I was able to add variables for actors not located in the map, since i plan on messing with spinout's custom actor(i want to select characters other than link). Other than me and sanuinetti's mod, this will be the second biggest thing i've ever done. i'm reading r4000 asm, SIG rsp docs, and other various things. So far what i've done is rewrite the entire map header, thanks to a tutorial on glitchkill, and i think it's good, at least for now. i'm adding and repointing variables at the end of the map, and as soon as i insert spinout's custom actor, i'll link the actors to it as variables. very much easier said than done. I'm a noob hacker, but when i look at what i've done so far on this, i'd say that i'm getting rather good at it. in the end what i plan on having in OoT is 10 playable maps including the forest temple, (probably rip the map, make it one big map), the map that i used to start this whole thing, dodongo's cavern, (same method as forest temple) and the rest will be all homemade. I know it sounds too good to be true, and it probably is, but i'm going to try it regardless. Anyways, to start the project, i managed to load link twice, so there is two. i'm trying to figure out how to link the other to the second controller, but i need to do a few more things first, one being to lock the camera above the map so everything can be viewed for easier testing. I hope to finally create the thing everyone has waited i think 3/4 years for: ToZ: OoT MP


Yeah, coding in a map sounds weird, but so far i've had a bit of success with player 2 as a redead, i did use part of the old multiplayer mod on spinout's playable redead, but right now it's glitchy, but so far i have it so the players can kill each other too.

as for the header, i seen how sutaru's header was lacking a few things i needed, so i started by rewriting the shadow temple boss map's header in sutaru, then i started modifying it when i seen it was larger than sutaru's header. i just erased the old header and paste inserted the new header, partially use flotonic's adding actor/groups tutorial to an exent so i could load actors in ram rather than what's loaded in the map. works almost like a gameshark, but not quite.


one last note: i know i could use a patch to do this, but i want to try it myself, with the split screen cen was able to do, add a score system, be able to choose between characters such as young and old link, stalfos, lizalfos, and for now, dinolfos. It's a huge task for me, and i'm taking it head on.

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  • heheheh, well i just found the tool to use to achieve this goal without ever needing to use a hex editor, Uot, or anything. there are some tools i downloaded that let me do this job easier. sdk's are nice aren't they? goes to show what happens when you take off google's safe seach and type n64 dev... i love google
EDIT just realized it makes map, scene, textures, and creates DD ROMs.

a couple of things are confusing like the NIFF tool. it creates zscenes, and allows you to load n64 rom images like .n64, .v64, and .z64. it reconizes the debug rom, so i may be able to do this... i know this sound like total bs, but if you don't believe me,i'll post screenshots as proof.


i wonder if spinout would be interested in this?

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NIFF - Nintendo Intermediate File Format


I know what it is and it was a simple way for developers to create animated objects. I have fooled around with it before and I'm pretty sure that it doesn't have anything to do with anything used in zelda.


Good luck with split screen. You're going to have to re write much of the rendering engine. If I were you I'd go for a SSB-like screen. In my '2 player' hack I did a GTA like screen - it focused on both players and zoomed out as they got farther away but still followed them.


What's SIG? And why are you re-writing maps?

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