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Loading Actors from other maps


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So far, i managed to do a very buggy and unstable mod. I managed to load Bongo Bongo in sutaru using the most ass-backwards method i could think of. rathen than doing it the old fashioned simple way, i did it the long and challenging way, after taking the time to read about asm hacking (finally)

i managed to get bongo bongo to load without changing the map's actor. instead, i went into dark link's file, repointed a couple bytes, a few for dlists, a few to tell the game to load BB, and after about 4-5 hours of re-extracting DL from a clean rom after messing up multiple time, i started seeing where i was messing up and that's when i got it working. Now, to be honest, it sucks. the framerate drops to an almost unplayable speed, BB looks super glitchy, the map flickers, and the miniboss music starts. At least i know i did something right when everything got loaded. now it's just a matter of fixing some dlist issues, fucked up ai probelms (upon loading bongo bongo falls through the floor and he hands fade away.) so, all that needs fixing, but since i'm no feeling 100% right now, i'm hold off the project for a few days to get better and to rest my brain.


I feel that i owe spinout some sort of credit since his hacks got me into this. credit goes to spinout for all the asm work, since if it wasn't for him, i wouldn't even be here. Thanks spinout.

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Congrats on your success thus far, but why are you doing this? You could have just called the right object and actor spawning functions if you wanted to load it without having it in the map.


Remember: Doing things the hard way != best way. Usually, the quick, simple, and in most cases easier solution is best.

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