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G4TV Videogame Deathmatch 2011


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Please tell me if someone already posted about this. ' :)


Hey guys! The game of the year is being decided! You guys can vote for your fav of 2011!




Whether it be Skyrim, Skyward Sword (mmhhmm), Assassin's Creed, or Gears of War 3 (sorry it's the fourth round), show your appreciation and vote for the series!


This year, Ninty might finally get a GotY! YES! :) :) :) :)


EDIT: This isn't GotY, just the player's fav games. Though G4 is definitely helping to turn the tides.

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Skyrim or Skyward Sword, dang..... I think il vote for Skyrim, as it feels more revolutionary.... and it broke limits, Skyward Sword to me, not so much..... as it was so linear, and bland, and reused the same enemy's places over and over again along with the boring over world were theirs a few interactive islands, bland few npc's and an over all disappointment Imo.

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Skyrim or Skyward Sword, dang..... I think il vote for Skyrim, as it feels more revolutionary.... and it broke limits, Skyward Sword to me, not so much..... as it was so linear, and bland, and reused the same enemy's places over and over again along with the boring over world were theirs a few interactive islands, bland few npc's and an over all disappointment Imo.


That's odd, this just showed up. Must have been approved. Well, you're so wrong, but I am not going to get into something, so I'll leave it at that.

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the good thing on skyrim ( and the whole "the elder scrolls" series ) is that you can do anything. you don´t have to do the main quest the whole time. they´re 1000 of things to do. you can be good or you can be evil.


i love zelda ( ocarina of time is actually my favorite game ) but the story is somehow borring after 25 years .....


the villain abducted the princess and you have to save her... everytime the same thing.

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Is it me or has a lot of people jumped on the Elder Scrolls bandwagon recently? Morrowind never received this much attention and it's probably the best Elder Scrolls that has come out. Not saying that Skyrim isn't good, just saying that compared to older ones, its not as revolutionary. Skyward Sword, however, is different. Yeah, its still a Zelda game following a similar storyline (Only Majora's Mask has -really- strayed) but it used the controls well and changed the gameplay. The dungeons are more challenging, and so are the enemies. You can't just slash at an enemy, you actually need a little bit of skill. I remember in the first dungeon when I was trying to kill a Skulltula and it took me 15 minutes to find out. At the same time, its not overly difficult either. While you're trying to kill the Skulltula, the game doesn't have the Skulltula trying to attack you. It's Zelda but different at the same time, while Skyrim is basically a copy of Oblivion with Dragons and better graphics.



Voting Skyward Sword :)

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Is it me or has a lot of people jumped on the Elder Scrolls bandwagon recently? Morrowind never received this much attention and it's probably the best Elder Scrolls that has come out. Not saying that Skyrim isn't good, just saying that compared to older ones, its not as revolutionary. Skyward Sword, however, is different. Yeah, its still a Zelda game following a similar storyline (Only Majora's Mask has -really- strayed) but it used the controls well and changed the gameplay. The dungeons are more challenging, and so are the enemies. You can't just slash at an enemy, you actually need a little bit of skill. I remember in the first dungeon when I was trying to kill a Skulltula and it took me 15 minutes to find out. At the same time, its not overly difficult either. While you're trying to kill the Skulltula, the game doesn't have the Skulltula trying to attack you. It's Zelda but different at the same time, while Skyrim is basically a copy of Oblivion with Dragons and better graphics.



Voting Skyward Sword :)


I have some points that might start a flame war but its not worth it. Everyone has their opinions.

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*interrupts dancing, shows them website*




What about Assassin's Creed versus Zelda?!?!?! Has everyone forgot we're not done yet?

Seriously, check the page, it won't show percentage, just telling you to watch X-Play.


On a separate note, G4's 'Experts' (VERY fuckin' loosely) have kicked SS from running for 'Game of the Year', and other categories. G4 should be put to shame by IGN, GameInformer, Gamespot and GameTrailers.

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