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Hey guys, I've finally decided to come here and sign up due to Branden recommending it as a wonderful, fantastic community. If its all about gaming, then I already know I'll fit right in. My interests include techy stuff like computers, software, hardware, those things. And of course video games, though I do have to admit my video game playing has reduced a lot over the past few years, well ever since I started to learn how to start programming. I absolutely love computer programming and I'm making a game engine for a school project right now, I'll try and post that up later with more details.


Languages I have been working with include C#, C++ (very little), Visual Basic, HTML, PHP, CSS, Java, Ruby, Lua, and Python. I've played around with Objective C some. I'm most experienced in C#, Ruby, and PHP, those being my strongest languages, I create most of my projects using them. C# for software and PHP for web based. Ruby was a language I picked up when I first ran into a nifty program known as RPG Maker XP.


Aside from computer programming, I'm a decent cook. I used to listen to rock and metal a lot, I still listen to some not-so-new-yet-still-old bands. Better then tween pop and whatnot. Due to modern music, however, my music interests have shifted towards electronic music. Techno, dubstep, trance. etc.


I do love video games and I love playing classic games like Zelda, Pokemon (older ones), and Final Fantasy (older ones). I love the Elder Scroll series and am currently playing through Skyrim. I've played the previous 4 and have only beat Morrowind and Oblivion. I have yet to conquer the first two.


Well hope that was a worthy introduction. I hope you'll accept me as part of the community. :3

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Welcome to the GCN, I hope you enjoy your stay here. Its nice to see a programmer here, we only have a few around the community currently so its nice to see others in that field. If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of the staff or throw it in the Q&A section of the forums, the community might be able to answer it quicker. Again, Welcome to the community and I hope you enjoy your stay here! C:

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For dubstep, I mostly follow Skrillex, Ephixa, Going Quantum, and Mt Eden. As for trance, I listen to all sorts of artists. I enjoy 1200 mics, 666, I like some of 2 Unlimited's songs. What I usually do is just go to newgrounds and pick out a bunch of electronic music I like there. :3

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