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System Update - 3DS & Xbox 360

Shadow Fire

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Good news, especially for those who have a Nintendo 3DS and/or Xbox 360. A system update has been released for both.


The 3DS system update gives additional extras for the Mii Plaza, as well as a new Nintendo Zone application. I haven't been able to access it properly yet, due to there being no Nintendo Zones around me, but you can access special content on the go.

Nintendo Zone

Access special content on the go at thousands of public locations!


    Watch 3D videos, explore games, access special offers & promotions, and more!


    View Nintendo 3DS screenshots, watch 3D videos, download demos, and more!


    Access Nintendo eShop, play compatible Nintendo 3DS games online, browse the Internet, and get surprise SpotPass content!


As for the Xbox 360, the Dashboard has had a complete overhaul, and it is now in the format of the new board, which is similar to that used with the Kinect Dashboard. You can also Sync with Cloud now, so online saves are in.


How's that for a slice of gold?

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The 3DS update won't be here until tomorrow. It also includes Find Me II for those who completed Find Mii in Streetpass Mii Plaza. I hope they add more puzzles too.


Also, 3D Video Making.


Edit: Huh, seems the update was released a day early. Probably should have read the first post.


But when do we get the 3D video making stuff? QAQ

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Why should we have go to specially designated areas to try out demos? I think it would make a lot more sense to put them in the eShop or something. Considering there's probably not a zone in a thirty-mile radius of where I live, this feature will likely be utterly useless to me.

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Why should we have go to specially designated areas to try out demos? I think it would make a lot more sense to put them in the eShop or something. Considering there's probably not a zone in a thirty-mile radius of where I live, this feature will likely be utterly useless to me.


I agree. And while it's all a little closer to me, definitely not in walking distance.


I can't just approach my mom or dad, and say something like "Hey, can you drive me to a store so I can demo a game on my 3DS?"

Ugh, I am irritated with this approach. Seriously.

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I don't have a 3DS but I do have the Xbox. In my honest to god opinion, the dashboard overhaul is just terrible. They added some new, cool things that I enjoy, (like the new Netflix app) but I don't like the new design or how the laid things out. They've invaded the "home" channel with a giant advertisement block in the middle (if not connected to Xbox Live, it'll say Connect to Xbox Live), made profiles (like signing in and out) a whole new channel, and the entire order of things is just screwed up.


I do like that Microsoft changes things up but they either overdo it or they don't do enough. I'm curious on other people's opinions on it.

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My opinion? The Metro UI sucks, seriously. They are trying to slap it on every product of theirs, and it's getting damn annoying.


The NXE dashboard was amazing, and perfect. While I have not updated yet, I am going to dread having to do it to be able to communicate with my friends.

I already know I will not like it, because I hate the Metro UI. So yeah, my opinion.

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Although I have never played or even seen Kinect in action, I believe Microsoft actually re-did the Xbox's sleek new dashboard to fit with Windows 8's new Metro theme style. I like it, it seems less cluttered, and even seems to move faster, although I'm wondering why they would want to have two different systems with the same design? Sure it's a Microsoft system and they can do whatever they want, but I personally would like to have my system stand out.
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