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Hyrule Field in Majora's Mask


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The reason it would crash before was because the scene didn't have a 0x1B command in the header. So I copied the command and it's data from Termina Field, and it successfully loaded. I'm not sure as to what it does... but it will prevent some maps from loading if the scene lacks the command. Also, the 0x1A command has something to do with the way water objects are loaded (?).

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So is that header command the only thing that prevents Maps from OOT being ported to MM? Or is there more stuff that needs to be done before it loads up correctly? Cause it really seems that MM is extremely picky about loading anything that's been adjusted/modified which I'm guessing is partially DMA related? Also JSA I definitely agree, we need to get this stuff on the wiki, this is great information and I also would like to try porting a map into MM for myself. :)

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You're going to need to insert the 0x1B command into the scene header, and add in the proper data.




XX = Amount of entries.

YY = Offset of the data.


1B2B0000 02004EC0 <-- the command in Termina Field's scene header.


I haven't gotten around to studying the data, but I do know that each entry is 0x10 bytes long. If there are graphical errors, you will need to add the 0x1A command.




XX = Offset of the data.


I'm not sure about the format of the data here. In Termina Field there is a pointer every 4th byte, but other scenes do not have any pointers.

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