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Decisive Bot


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Decisive Bot

What is this?

Decisive Bot is a program I created for Branden's and my site. (Decisive Media) It'll pose as actual members or members marked as bots. Periodically, it'll choose a topic from last 10 topics posted in, and post some random phrase. Most of the phrases consist of troll phrases, memes, and sexual innuendos. Its full purpose was to prove entertainment and hopefully pick up activity to our site. Its intentions are a bit mean but its still funny, nonetheless.

Why are you posting?

I'm posting in hopes to get feedback and maybe suggestions. The bot just randomly picks everything, following a few set of rules. It goes through the following checks.

When grabbing topics, make sure they aren't in the black list board.
When picking a topic, make sure it or another bot wasn't the last poster
Don't use the same phrase or topic twice in a row
If it can't find a topic to post in after 3 tries, give up and try again later


Here is the main window. Its small but there wasn't need for a whole lot.
Posted Image
Here's a notification everytime it posts.
Posted Image
Here's a timer once you click start.
Posted Image


I will not be releasing this to the public. Derp. For obvious reasons. Its meant to run on the computers of the administrators. I'm posting this to get feedback and suggestions, so please if you have either, lemme know. :)
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