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Hyrule Historia The Legend Of Zelda 25th Anniversary Encyclopaedia Art Book


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I want to point out, that the need for new sages only occurs during the ADULT timeline is cause ganondorf killed the previous ones when invading the sacred realm. The original ones can be seen in TP and if you read the prologue to a link to the past, it was the 7 wise men that sealed him away, notice how all the sages in TP are older hylian men? Its those sages who seal ganon away when Link from OOT dies and fails his mission to stop ganon. It also explains how ganondorf obtained the whole triforce in ALTTP(something I couldn't figure out for the life of me til the timeline's official release). The timeline itself does make sense to most of the games, granted, please take into consideration, this represents the games in their order they fall in, not exactly all the events on how it plays out. There is possible there is more games of the pieces of the puzzle that are needed to be filled in which will probably be later on to make more sense of the events.

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But yeah, I don't entirely agree with this official timeline.


Can someone explain the ... adult timeline i think it is? The one where Link is sent back to being a kid. I don't get it, he doesn't exist in that reality anymore does he? How does the story continue if he doesn't have descendants? A-hwaaa?

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The hero of time turns to a stalfos, he never finds navi. :)



"When Link first set foot in the Twilight, the crest of the Triforce of Courage shined on the back of his hand; when he returned to human-form he wore clothes the hero wore. Link is taught mysteries from the ghost of the hero of time. Since he returned to his childhood, he’d felt regret that he would leave his name as hero. Therefore, the “son†of Link speaks proof of the courage he inheirited mysteriously."

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I don't think he never finds Navi, as the quote never says that, the ghost of the hero of time is clearly an adult and the last time we see link he is a child, so theres at least another seven years of adventure left for him.

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I don't think he never finds Navi, as the quote never says that, the ghost of the hero of time is clearly an adult and the last time we see link he is a child, so theres at least another seven years of adventure left for him.


Then how is he a stalfos ):
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Then how is he a stalfos ):


Barring supernatural age-suspending magic, I sincerely doubt even the Hero of Time could keep his form for hundreds of years. Also, he's a ghost, not a Stalfos--he just happens to take a similar appearance to that creature.

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What Naxy said. Also, if Link was lost in the Lost Woods as most people like to say, he would become a Skull Kid not a Stalfos.


The Kokiri in the Lost Woods when you're an adult says that everybody who gets lost becomes a stalfos.



It doesn't make sense how he would become lost in the lost woods, after being able to traverse it so easily before.





Indeed. I like to believe he got out and had some next adventure.


Yes, hopefully another game featuring the Hero of Time will be released one day but I don't think it would be set in either Hyrule or Termina.

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The Kokiri in the Lost Woods when you're an adult says that everybody who gets lost becomes a stalfos.


But Navi says that any child that gets lost in the woods would become a Skull Kid and Link after Majoras Mask is still a child.

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But Navi says that any child that gets lost in the woods would become a Skull Kid and Link after Majoras Mask is still a child.


Still, I don't recall Link ever getting lost in that place. I think it's probably more accurate to say that the implication of getting lost is that you die, and perhaps the magic of the forest resurrects the body in the form of a Skull Kid or Stalfos.

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Still, I don't recall Link ever getting lost in that place. I think it's probably more accurate to say that the implication of getting lost is that you die, and perhaps the magic of the forest resurrects the body in the form of a Skull Kid or Stalfos.


Hopefully the book will explain these things.

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So, the Stalfos who trained you in TP WAS Link? Link has spoken. HRNGH. Well, there still is that time link verbally spoke the words "come on" in Wind Waker...


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.


Can you imagine if they stuck to the "Link is a mute" rule for the Ghost of the HOT?










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It would actually be pretty comical to see them communicating with each other with nothing more than ellipses and understanding one another as if it was some secret language. You know, just like how pirates used to communicate with nothing more than plays on the word "argh". Historical fact.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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