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Hyrule Historia The Legend Of Zelda 25th Anniversary Encyclopaedia Art Book


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I am the ex of many people.


ZeldaNut is down until further notice. It's not a technical issue. In the meantime, you can keep up with the text version of the translated pages at the Hyrule Historia index page. Visit my homepage for updates in chronological order.


Welcome to the GCN, Berri! :)


This was a distress beacon from a probe on Talon IV.
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Thank you for the welcome and kind words. The latest pages are up at the following links:



Miyamoto's Statement



The Sorcerer's Birth



Those Chosen by the Triforce



Those Chosen by the Triforce (Continued)



The Palace of Twilight



The Resistance


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Might want to correct the word on page 85, Those chosen by the Triforce under the paragraph "The Premonitory Dream of the Princess Chosen by the Gods"


It says "Princess Zelda believed in that prophecy, but his father, the king of Hyrule, did not." I'm sure its meant to be her, Unless Zelda's not telling us something. >.>

Also page 86 under the paragraph "The Door of Time is Opened" It says "He pulled out the Master Sword that lied in the back"

I'm guessing its suppose to be laid? Lied just doesn't seem to fit with the sentence.

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Also page 86 under the paragraph "The Door of Time is Opened" It says "He pulled out the Master Sword that lied in the back"

I'm guessing its suppose to be laid? Lied just doesn't seem to fit with the sentence.


You're using the wrong word there. Lie and lay are very often confused for each other. Lie in the present tense means the subject is acting upon itself (I lie down for a nap), while lay in the present tense means the subject is acting on a direct object (I lay the book on the table). In this case, the past tense for lie is preferred, which is lay. So, the grammatically correct translation would be He pulled out the Master Sword that lay in the back. "Lied" is not a form of either word, and laid is either the past or past participle of the word lay, which is also not correct as in the object complement for the Master Sword, it is not being described as acting upon something, but rather upon itself.

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Thank you for the corrections, but these translations were not done by me. I'm simply collecting them all in one place. They will be corrected and edited when I get around to double-checking them. :)


Four Swords - The Great Sorcerer's End:



ALttP - The Princess of Light & The Knights' Descendants:



ALttP - The Princess of Light & The Knights' Descendents (Continued)


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As for the concept art pages... they're probably nowhere to be found on the Internet... you know, I'm thinking that maybe we should make a torrent for all the stuff we have


Melora doesn't want her scans to be found anywhere online, so it would be better not to do so. The English versions of the scanned pages may resurface once someone finds another copy of the book to use. The concept art pages have not been lost.



OMG GlitterBerri! I have heard so much about you! Thanks so much for these!


Good things, I hope!

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