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Hyrule Historia The Legend Of Zelda 25th Anniversary Encyclopaedia Art Book


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So, where would future Zelda games fit in the timeline? I mean, Skyward Sword obviously isn't going to be the last Zelda game made, so I am just curious... :)


To be fair, there are BIG gaps in between these games (for example, Ocarina and WW are a whopping 100 years apart, and same goes for PH and ST, nevermind the other games. It talks of Ganon returning in the WW timeline, so clearly the seal in Ocarina was broken within those 100 years, nevermind the great flood that comes afterwards. Yes, I know the HOT doesn't return, however, that doesn't mean any Hero doesn't reveal its face.


You also have that massive gap between MM and TP, where at the very least, the HOT dies and the new Link appears in TP, if not 2 generations of Links die before the TP Link arrives.


Plus, Zelda 2's Overworld seemed pretty barren, and void of a princess until right at the very end. Plus, IIRC, Ganon was never defeated in Zelda 2, merely Dark Link, yet Ganon was clearly trying to return as evidenced when Link dies. So, I'd say there's massive storyline potential there after the original Zelda becomes the new princess of Hyrule and Link attempts to stop Ganon directly.

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Reaction from seeing Nintendo's "Zelda timeline": *facepalms* & *Screams* NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! :)

I'm Sorry but I really hate how Nintendo has their games placed in the timeline. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Seriously, a 3 way time split that doesn't make sense if you really think about it? The White sword becoming the Four Sword and then reverts back into the White Sword again (Seriously, this makes no sense, AT ALL)? Link supposedly failing his attempt against Ganondorf creates the first of these "3 time branches" (WTH)? A Link to the Past taking place on that first time branch after OoT Link's "very little failure" when aLttP's instruction manuel and the game itself clearly referred to the "Hero of Time" defeating Ganondorf (Seriously)? I mean seriously, this makes no sense. If you've played each of the games and know each of the individual storylines & plots of each of them, you'll see what I'm trying to point out here. Anyways what do you people think of what I'm trying to say here? Do you think Nintendo is just messing with heads. They tend to do that alot.

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Reaction from seeing Nintendo's "Zelda timeline": *facepalms* & *Screams* NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! :(

I'm Sorry but I really hate how Nintendo has their games placed in the timeline. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Seriously, a 3 way time split that doesn't make sense if you really think about it? The White sword becoming the Four Sword and then reverts back into the White Sword again (Seriously, this makes no sense, AT ALL)? Link supposedly failing his attempt against Ganondorf creates the first of these "3 time branches" (WTH)? A Link to the Past taking place on that first time branch after OoT Link's "very little failure" when aLttP's instruction manuel and the game itself clearly referred to the "Hero of Time" defeating Ganondorf (Seriously)? I mean seriously, this makes no sense. If you've played each of the games and know each of the individual storylines & plots of each of them, you'll see what I'm trying to point out here. Anyways what do you people think of what I'm trying to say here? Do you think Nintendo is just messing with heads. They tend to do that alot.


Regarding ALttP, give them a little credit--this was way back in '92, and back then over half of the Zelda games currently released didn't even exist. It's quite possible that they have revised the fitting of the story with the release of new games, and instruction manuals usually only provide the scope of the game you're actually playing, so such a reference probably refers to Ganondorf's defeat within that game, or the previously released original Legend of Zelda.


That said, Link's failure in OoT perfectly explains why there is no Ganondorf in ALttP but rather Ganon right of the bat--he already has the Triforce, which corrupted the Sacred Realm and turned it into the Dark World. The other two endings to Ocarina of Time (i.e. Link defeats Ganon) I think are pretty well-justified and line up with most people's existing theories, so I won't bother to address that. I don't think anyone ever really considered that a third branch existed in OoT, though, which surprised me quite a bit, but it does make sense to me. Even if this isn't an official release from Nintendo, this does seem to tie up all the loose ends pretty well and could be essentially the same as the official timeline.


Also, @scream: http://nooooooooooooooo.com/

Sorry, just couldn't resist.

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Well, the timeline has been fully confirmed by a lass(?) known as Glitterberri, known for retranslating Japanese material into English, including Japanese Zelda manuals. Here's an image from her site showing how it's laid out:


Posted Image


There you have it folks, the official timeline, 100% confirmed, thanks to some French guy on YouTube flipping through his copy and zooming in on the timeline, and Glitterberri for being able to translate from that video.


(She's asked to link people to her site if this image is reposted so I will: http://www.glitterberri.com/ )

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Cen alligator's ex? Didn't know that dame was still about.


The only discrepancy I see there is with Ganondorf being executed before Twilight Princess and being reincarnated after it. Probably just a mix-up in the order, I think. Other than that, makes sense to me.

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Cen alligator's ex? Didn't know that dame was still about.


So I wasn't the only one who noticed I see.


All in all, it seems very plausible but I don't think Zelda is the kind of series that a timeline belongs with. I do not believe Zelda games were all made to specifically fit into a timeline. The timeline you see now is just Nintendo doing what fans did, connecting the dots, but since they did it, it's official.

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This actually works. The one thing is... Link fails? That never happens because you always complete the game and arguing that it could happen would open a world to a whole bunch of possibilities. But looking past that I don't see why it wouldn't work. Would still prefer a dual timeline though.

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How is it illogical, exactly? Really, what is so illogical about having games based off of an alternate universe? I fail to see how.


Or, it could just be people whining about how the timeline is not what they wanted, or irritated how some of their favorite games technically never even happened due to the whole alternate reality bit of it. It's not a big deal, either way. And the decision they made is certainly not illogical. :)

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Well it is because its based off of something that has never happened. If say for example there was an event in OoT that caused a third split, or say for example, in aLttP there is reference to the Hero of Time dying, which obviously couldn't happen as it was made before. Also in aLttP the sages are said to all be Hylian where in OoT they are of different races. That basically means the third split is a "what if?" timeline, while not impossible at all, I think they failed to justify why , just seem'd a bit lazy if you ask me. I don't really wanna look into it too deep because I haven't done the timeline stuff for years, I barely remember mine, its defo not close to that, lol.


The way I look at it, Nintendo possibly didn't start thinking about Timelines till WW came out as that was the game that start tying things to together in relation to direct reference to prior games or something like that, i dunno, lol.


Oh yeh, one reason I dont like it, as it is with what we know, (unless a future release says otherwise) The Hero of Time will always fall (in some way) somewhere. In the child timeline after leaving Termina is never heard from again. In the Adult timeline, I have no idea, lol, Adult Link has been sent back, thus coursing the child/adult split and now there is no adult link in that timeline and no hero to defend against Ganons future attack, unless the time between the end of OoT is really long, in which case he didn't really fail. Then the third timeline where he is killed.


Now, I don't know about you, but I need closure for the hero of time! lol


I so looked to deep into that v_v

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Well it is because its based off of something that has never happened. If say for example there was an event in OoT that caused a third split, or say for example, in aLttP there is reference to the Hero of Time dying, which obviously couldn't happen as it was made before. Also in aLttP the sages are said to all be Hylian where in OoT they are of different races. That basically means the third split is a "what if?" timeline, while not impossible at all, I think they failed to justify why , just seem'd a bit lazy if you ask me. I don't really wanna look into it too deep because I haven't done the timeline stuff for years, I barely remember mine, its defo not close to that, lol.


The way I look at it, Nintendo possibly didn't start thinking about Timelines till WW came out as that was the game that start tying things to together in relation to direct reference to prior games or something like that, i dunno, lol.


Oh yeh, one reason I dont like it, as it is with what we know, (unless a future release says otherwise) The Hero of Time will always fall (in some way) somewhere. In the child timeline after leaving Termina is never heard from again. In the Adult timeline, I have no idea, lol, Adult Link has been sent back, thus coursing the child/adult split and now there is no adult link in that timeline and no hero to defend against Ganons future attack, unless the time between the end of OoT is really long, in which case he didn't really fail. Then the third timeline where he is killed.


Now, I don't know about you, but I need closure for the hero of time! lol


I so looked to deep into that v_v


Whenever I feel more awake, I will comment on points in your post I feel I should. As for now, I just woke up and may go back to sleep.


Good post, though.


Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

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About the sages bit:

Now, so going off of Link being killed by Ganon/failing somehow, who's to say Ganon didn't kill off the sages afterwards?

So, with those sages gone, we can at some point consider new sages came along, this time all Hylian for whatever reason.




That's all I can nitpick at right now. >.<

While I agree with a lot of what you say, I still don't consider the timeline illogical; but that's just me.

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Hylians are the name of the race, as in the people of Hylia, the Goddess and its said they can hear messages of the Gods with their pointy ears, humans have no pointy ears, Gorons are Gorons and Zoras are Zoras etc.


About the sages bit:

Now, so going off of Link being killed by Ganon/failing somehow, who's to say Ganon didn't kill off the sages afterwards?

So, with those sages gone, we can at some point consider new sages came along, this time all Hylian for whatever reason.



Thats assuming though, until a game comes out in between that says that its just fan fiction, which, when there was no official timeline was plausible, now however, it's not. Saying that, were the sages even sages in alttp? Weren't they wise old men? With seven descendents that were all daughters? Whatever, lets put it this way, which hence makes it logical... They retconned it., simples!

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