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Shonen Jump Festa annouces the weirdest Pokemon game you will ever see

Okami Takahashi

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Meh. I hope that after this one, we get another Pokémon game that sticks to the classic formula for the 3DS.

Because, I will be honest, I haven't played one like that in a very long time due to it getting boring. Though now, I think it'd be loads of fun fun for me.

But I am not really too much a fan of the kind of battle system in this new game, though. Meh.

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Meh. I hope that after this one, we get another Pokémon game that sticks to the classic formula for the 3DS.

Because, I will be honest, I haven't played one like that in a very long time due to it getting boring. Though now, I think it'd be loads of fun fun for me.

But I am not really too much a fan of the kind of battle system in this new game, though. Meh.


I agree 100%
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1) What the hell did I just watch?


2) The character design and art style are cool.


3) It's for DS?! Wow, I'll be able to play this!


4) Also, this might end up being the first Nobunaga game I'll play.


5) Then again, I wonder if they're even gonna localize this, seeing how it is a Nobunaga-ish game, Pokemon or not.


(Also, I bet we'll get a classic Pokemon RPG on the 3DS. Might take some time, seeing how Black/White "just" hit the DS, but I'd bet a 3DS one is already in the works.)

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Meh. I hope that after this one, we get another Pokémon game that sticks to the classic formula for the 3DS.

Because, I will be honest, I haven't played one like that in a very long time due to it getting boring. Though now, I think it'd be loads of fun fun for me.

But I am not really too much a fan of the kind of battle system in this new game, though. Meh.

This. Though I gotta be honest, the character design of that game looks pretty good.

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