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Bmd to bdl and 3ds to bmd?! Omg I think we just discovered WW, SMS and TP model hacking!


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SuperMario64DS has done it again! He has discovered ways to convert bmd to bdl and bdl to bmd 3ds to bdl and we already have bmd to 3ds and 3ds to bmd.

What does this mean? MODEL HACKING!!!!!!!!! You will now be able to model hack games such as: Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Super Mario Sunshine(Wohhooo), super mario galaxy 1 and 2, mario kart double dash and many many more. Heres a Link to one of his amazing accomplishments. This is the day I have been waiting for.

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Once V1 is released and I have my computer back, I think I have an idea for a test.


Honestly, the only problem I can see is packing the new .bdl into a .rarc file. Wind Waker seemed a bit picky on how its .rarcs are packed, but then again it was a cutscene .rarc that I tried to edit, so maybe that was the problem. Oh yeah, and we need to be able to make a collision file if we want custom islands/levels...

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Once V1 is released and I have my computer back, I think I have an idea for a test.


Honestly, the only problem I can see is packing the new .bdl into a .rarc file. Wind Waker seemed a bit picky on how its .rarcs are packed, but then again it was a cutscene .rarc that I tried to edit, so maybe that was the problem. Oh yeah, and we need to be able to make a collision file if we want custom islands/levels...


By collision do you mean KCL editing? If so then yes hes currently working on it

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Because I don't have to make an example for someone else's work.

This SuperMario64DS guy should go the responsible route and make his own examples when releasing something like this.


Now, here's a question: why don't you try it out?


Your'e the one that wants an example so why would I do that? If you want some pics ask SuperMario64DS, as it will take a while to get some pictures of a complicated model hack.

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Well, preliminary attempts show that I cannot get either file to convert. BMD2BDL needs some sort of "Temp.bdl," which was supposed to be in the download and wasn't, and BDL2BMD doesn't convert either. Dunno what's wrong. Also, the download for BMD2BDL on that wiki page is invalid. I downloaded it through another link in that thread.

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Well, preliminary attempts show that I cannot get either file to convert. BMD2BDL needs some sort of "Temp.bdl," which was supposed to be in the download and wasn't, and BDL2BMD doesn't convert either. Dunno what's wrong. Also, the download for BMD2BDL on that wiki page is invalid. I downloaded it through another link in that thread.


Try using bmd to 3ds max script (it works for bdl too), then try using the 3ds to bdl. I will try to contact SuperMario64Ds for these kind of problems.

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Nope. I get the same error as the other ones- "List index out of range." And I do have Python.


Did you follow every step correctly? "BMD To BDL Converter

Rename your BMD model "In.bmd".

Put your In.bmd into the same directory as Temporary.bdl included in the download.

Run bmd2bdl.exe.

Locate the file "Out.bdl", and that's the BMD model converted to BDL.

BDL To BMD Converter

Rename you BDL model "In.bdl".

Place it in that same folder as bdl2bmd.exe.

Run bdl2bmd.exe.

Locate "Out.bmd", and that is your BDL Model converted to BMD."


Maybe I should just suggest SuperMario64DS to come to these forums.

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